This document is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of the Platform. By accepting them at the time of registration, the User accepts the policies contained herein that will be applied to any activity that he or she carries out on the Site, such as publications, questions and answers, opinions and messaging, nicknames, etc.

Failure to comply with these Policies will imply the withdrawal of the content (deletion) and may lead to the application of sanctions and/or eventual account disabling.

Used and/or Refurbished Products

We do not allow the publication of used and/or refurbished products.

A product that has had some type of use, no matter how long, is considered used, and therefore may have imperfections or signs of wear. While reconditioned means that it was fixed and serviced so that the new buyer can enjoy it without any type of defect.

Quality of the Products

We do not allow publications of products that have received a high percentage of complaints related to the status and/or conditions of the product.


We do not allow posts that include comparisons with other users. Comparisons will mean information on prices, usernames, quality and type of items, etc.


We do not allow:

  • Use codes in descriptions to take users to other pages outside of Bitel, open additional windows or request information from other users.
  • Incorrectly or misleadingly describe the products offered. This includes its characteristics, qualities, conditions, among others.

We allow:

  • Include graphics, videos and photos of the product in the images section, always respecting the guidelines of our Terms and Conditions.
  • Descriptions of the product in terms of its condition and scope (what is included and what is not).
  • Indicate the size, brand, model, color, material and any other essential characteristics in the product technical sheet, including health and safety risks.
  • Include exact dimensions, country of origin, warranty, conditions for its exercise, etc., in the technical sheet and other sections intended for this purpose.
  • Identify the manufacturer and the registration of the product, if it is subject to a prior authorization regime.
  • Use only words that relate specifically to the item offered. It is prohibited to use words that are not related to the article to manipulate the Platform's search engines and/or to generate traffic to said publication.
  • If a photograph is included, it must correspond specifically to the item being offered. It is important that the background is pure digital white, that the product is seen in its entirety and that it only shows what is included in the publication.

Contact and Personal Information

We do not allow:


  • Links, data and/or references to manufacturer pages.
  • Bank details such as account number, card number, etc.
  • Shortened links of any type.

We allow you to include the following information in your publication:

  • Personal identification numbers such as: document number, identity card, etc.
  • Telephone numbers, QR codes or any other type of identification code.
  • Emails, messaging or social network users.
  • Exact addresses and meeting points.
  • Maps with pinpointers showing exact locations.
  • Means of transportation that allow you to reach the seller's business.
  • Geographic area in which the seller is located.
  • Business hours of the premises.

Tax Evasion

Bitel only makes available to Users a virtual space that allows them to communicate via the Internet to find a way to sell or buy items. It has no participation in the process of negotiation and perfection of the final contract between the Seller and the Buyer. Therefore, the parties are obliged to comply with the fiscal and tax obligations imposed by law.

It is established that the prices of the published products must be expressed with VAT included when applicable, in legal tender. Bitel may remove any publication whose price is not expressed in this way to avoid confusion or misunderstandings regarding the final price of the product.

Posts that demonstrate an intent to evade or avoid taxes in any way will be terminated.

Violations Related to Photos

The photos or images that appear on the Platform must:


  • Correspond exactly to the item offered in the publication and do not place a photograph that is merely for reference or that may confuse the recipient of the offer.
  • Comply with any other provision provided in the Terms and Conditions.

We do not allow:


  • Include in the product cover photos labels or attributes that have not been assigned by Bitel and that may give wrong information to buyers (e.g. Words or phrases such as: Full, Best seller, discounts, lightning offer, best quality, promotion , immediate shipping, etc).
  • Post photos with minors in underwear.
  • Alter images to hide the brand of the product you are offering.
  • Have seller logos, text or similar.

Those publications that contain images that, in the opinion of Bitel, are provocative or sensual or that may be considered contrary to morality or good customs will not be allowed on the Main Page.

Likewise, Bitel reserves the right to select the best quality photo or image that users have included in their publications, so that said photo or image appears visible on the Main Page.

Violations Related to Price

We do not allow:

  • Offer an item for free or at a symbolic value or price significantly lower or higher than the market value.
  • Offer an item at a price higher than that expressed in the “price” section of the publication, indicating a higher value in the description.
  • Offer an article using symbolic prices to manipulate the Platform's search engines and/or to generate traffic to said publication. The price of each publication must be specifically related to the item offered.
  • Offer a product or service at a price higher than the maximum prices, regulated prices, or reference prices established by the Government.

Violations Related to Quantity

We do not allow the seller to indicate in the description or responses that they have a greater number of items than published.

Violations Related to Stock

We do not allow including any type of reference or invitation that suggests the buyer to ask about stock availability. This must be visible in the product description.

Inappropriate language and misplaced complaints

We do not allow:


  • Use vulgar language or acronyms that can be understood as insults or slander both in the content of the publications and in the messaging or question sections.
  • Publish attacks against Bitel both in the content of the publications and in the messaging or questions sections.
  • Make criticisms or complaints to users both in the content of the publications and in the messaging or questions sections.
  • Include discriminatory content, considering gender, religion, age, etc.

We allow:

  • Use inappropriate language as long as it is essential for the identification or reference of a specific publication.
  • Report posts that do not comply with these policies from the "Report" button on the corresponding post.
  • Report inappropriate behavior of other users from the “Report” button in the questions section.