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Frequently asked questions

Can I change the information on my receipt or invoice?

In that case, the seller, being the party responsible for issuing them, could make the change, but you must contact them directly to see if it is possible. Bitel does not intervene in this part of the purchase flow.

Bitel plays an intermediary role between the buyer and the seller. Consequently, it is not responsible for the issuance of proof of payment, guarantee, delivery, product exchange, among others.

What happens if I am not satisfied with the product received?

You must contact the seller to carry out the aforementioned procedure. It is worth remembering that you must ask the seller about the “buyer satisfaction policy” before making the payment. Remember, Bitel plays a liaison role between the buyer and the seller.

Can I cancel or change my order?

The seller is responsible for responding if it is possible to change the order or cancel it. Bitel only plays an intermediary role between the buyer and the seller.

What happens if the product received is not original?

You must report the problem to the seller and request an exchange or refund. If you do not have an answer, we recommend:

  •  Go to the nearest competent authority to make the pertinent report.
  •  Report the user/ad through the website for being a fraud, opening their profile from the chat window, clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner and then on "Report user".
  •  Provide all the information you have about the scammer user, such as receipts, screenshots of the conversation or the deposit made, among others.

Can I exchange a product?

Although we cannot exchange a product you purchased, you can request a return and get your money back by agreeing directly with the seller on the possibility of replacing the product. Bitel only plays a liaison role between the buyer and the seller.

Do the products have a warranty?

If the product purchased from the Bitel Marketplace presents any technical failure or factory defect, you must validate the warranty directly with the supplier or manufacturer. Bitel is not involved in the warranty process.

How to choose which seller to buy from?

  • Check the seller's reputation and comments from other customers.
  •  Review the entire publication carefully: pay attention to the description and photos to be sure of the conditions of sale proposed by the seller.
  •  If the product is new, make sure it has a warranty and that you can return it if necessary.
  •  If after reading the entire publication you still have questions, ask the seller everything you need to know. For example: if you need the invoice for your purchase, ask them a question and make sure they send it to you.

Who gives me voucher of payment?

Voucher of payment is agreed solely between the seller and the buyer. Bitel is not involved in the process of issuing the payment receipt.

What should I do if I pay in advance and my order is not delivered within the estimated time?

You must report the problem with the seller through the website to coordinate the problem or delay in delivery. If you do not receive a response from the seller, we suggest that you follow the following steps:

  •  Go to the nearest competent authority to make the relevant report.
  •  Report the user/ad through the website for being a fraud, opening their profile from the chat window, clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner and then "Report user".
  •  Provide all the information you have about the scammer user, such as receipts, screenshots of the conversation or the deposit made, etc.

It should be noted that Bitel is not involved in any way in the transactions carried out between users. Payment, delivery method and other details are agreed solely between the seller and the buyer. However, we cooperate directly with authorities should we receive a request for information related to any fraudulent or criminal activity. To protect our users' data, we cannot provide information to people other than the authorities.

What should I do if my shipping address is not covered by the seller?

I must coordinate directly with the seller.